Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Not all National Trust properties are open yet, and those that are require pre-booking via their website, no later than 15:00 on the day prior to visit.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Eggardon Hill

A great place for walking, flying kites or simply taking in the extensive views of the surrounding countryside and the English Channel in the distance.
The hill fort itself is about 2,500 years old, but originally there were two Bronze Age burial mounds on the summit. It's also an old smuggling spot - in the 18th century, Isaac Gulliver took advantage of the hill's commanding position and created a small plantation of trees to act as a landmark for his ships and help guide them to the coast.
Note: We own the sourthern half of the fort; the northern half is privately owned.

  • Currently: Medium-level cloud, 10° C
  • Sunday: Medium-level cloud, 13° C
  • Monday: Medium-level cloud, 12° C